Kids grown up? Are they off raising families of their own? Are you still rattling around in a multi-thousand square foot home when you really only use the kitchen and bedroom? What effect is all that empty space having on you mentally?

Empty nest syndrome isn’t a clinical diagnosis but it is a very real reaction you may have to finding yourself adjusting to life without your kids at home. The Mayo clinic shares these tips for coping.

But is coping the best you can do? Perhaps you should set yourself up to thrive. Embrace this opportunity to divest yourself of unwieldy home repairs, unwanted clutter and seemingly endless dusting, and focus your life on what is truly important to you.

Renting an apartment means you don’t have to host holiday dinners.

Now, don’t get all upset and let your emotions run amok. Stop and think about this for a second. You could actually be a guest in your kid’s house for the holidays or go to a friend’s house. They could do all the cooking (and cleaning). You could just show up, enjoy the holiday and leave. You get to relax and actually visit instead of worrying about whether or not there’s enough potatoes for everyone or if the turkey is going to be dry.

Renting an apartment also means:

  • Less time cleaning.
  • No mortgage debt and all that equity in your pocket.
  • You can travel without worrying about your home.
  • You don’t have to shovel.
  • You don’t have to pay for internet or cable.
  • You don’t have to worry about any unexpected maintenance.

Selling your family home and renting an apartment could mark the beginning of an exciting next chapter in your life that isn’t all about your kids.

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